First colds

Saturday, October 11, 2008

All three kids are sick. Managing three kids who are sick alone stinks. Royally. I damn near rolled off the bed last night expecting to roll into B...but of course he was not there. I hate that.. A lot.

Anyway- Since Peas is a preemie and has her first cold of the season and RSV season is literally around the corner I am living in fear of it developing into RSV. It starts so fast so innocently a cough a sneeze then you are sitting there with a blue infant struggling to breath utterly helpless. I get chills just thinking about it. Stinky had RSV and I have never been so scared- ever. Please pray that Peas cold stays just that a cold... I can wipe runny noses all day long, factor in ER, nebs, PICU, intubation, not so good at all of that.


Anonymous said...

Dr. Rucoba - Wheaton Pediatrics. (630) 690-7300

We love him. Get a sick appt so he can listen to Zoe's lungs. It will make you feel better. They have a separate sick waiting room, too.

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