exhaustion...shear exhaustion

Monday, March 3, 2008

Peas has been home for a week now. Last Thursday she was at the doctor and she weighed a whopping 4lbs and 10 oz.... tiny huh??? Not for my kids, that is huge for them! Stinky is 18 months old and FINALLY getting to 20 lbs..

Anyway, B was out of town the week that Peas came home. He was kind enough to bring a cold back from Indiana for all of us. My mom, Princess, B, and myself are all ill...now Peas is sneezing.

Stinky still does not like to sleep at night (who needs sleep??), he likes to wake up just to make sure you have not moved to Maui in the hour or so he has been resting, and Peas likes to cuddle. She believes that a nice warm body to cuddle with is the ticket to dreamland.

To add insult to injury, it got warm, we had a lot of snow on the ground, then it rained, which those of you who know us well know what that means...time to pump out the basement and the yard... Yes we are the crazy neighbors shop-vacing the yard out....fun times right? So no one has slept for more than three hours or so in the past week.

The bright spot?? The food. My friends have been so generous and wonderful making meals and dropping them off, I have no way to thank everyone enough. I hope that I can help them out as much when they need it, or even when they don't...just a night off.

Thank you...Thank you to all of our friends, we are blessed to have you.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry y'all have been sick. Let me know if you need more meals... I am happy to do it especially now that I am feeling less nauseous!! :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry I have been such a crappy friend. I always mean to do those nice things like call and bring meals and then time gets away from me. I do this with everyone and I hate it. (No one gets birthday cards, no one gets calls, etc. I'm horrible at it.) I've decided this is my subconscious making up for my type A personality that has shown itself very strongly the past few years. My brain, schedule, parenting and house to some extent are all very organized and "perfect" but in doing things for others-remembering their bdays, calling after a baby, those things never get done. I always have the best of intentions but rarely can make them come to fruition. I've thought about you a LOT and prayed for you-sorry I haven't gotten to call or bring a meal. I suck, I know. Love you and hope Zoe and the fam are doing well. Hang in there. My mantra for the first 3 months is "It only gets easier" This may not be true, but it helps me.

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