Play Silks these are great. It can be anything a cape, wings, blanket, possibilities are endless they are fantastic...pricey but fantastic.
Color Wonder Products- to quote a wise woman: "they were invented by God" only God could create something so amazing and miraculous. Seriously if you have ever struggled to get 'washable' marker or 'washable' paint off of a child or furniture these are for you.
Haba toys- they can stand up to my kids destruction...that says a lot
I do not know the name of it but is is paper that has a black covering and you scratch off the black and the colors are underneath it... drawing in reverse.
Sprout- 24 hours of PBS minimize guilt when I really need a few minutes to chill.
hmmm I know there are more toys that I really like but I am drawing a blank
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser is my go to thing...also miraculous as far as I am concerned.
OxyClean- Stains be gone!!! I have three kids...stains are a daily sometimes hourly occurrence I like this.
A few other things that are not PG
Remember back in the day, before you were my friend, and before you knew of the magical wonderment that is oxyclean? Aren't you glad you joined my oxyclean cult? LOL!
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