Fish Murderer

Saturday, March 5, 2011

A while ago a friend asked me to watch her fish while she and her family were out of town. I agreed. Fish are pretty low maintenance. Right? No problem, I can do this.

Dutifully, I went over to her home and fed the fish. One day I noticed the water was a bit cloudy, but thought nothing of it (I am not a fish person- at all). The next day the water was more cloudy and the fish in that tank were dead.

Shoot. Crap. I am a perpetrator of carp-acide. And Frog-acide. I let my friend know that I was deeply sorry for the demise of the fish in one of the tanks, but the other tank was still doing well. I was guilt ridden for days. Should I send flowers? Chocolates? Fish Sticks?? The appropriate etiquette here escaped me.

I opted for cleaning out the tank and letting her decide what to do with it from there.

However- I still feel awful for the dead fish, and I am left wondering whats up because when I watched her cat a few years ago- they came home and all was well- but a few days later they learned that she had cancer and was put to sleep. Apparently, I have bad pet sitting mo-jo.


Farrah said...

Remind me to never have you watch my dog. :) Or maybe I SHOULD have you watch him... depends on how much he has annoyed me at the time.

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