Last Friday was a milestone in Princess's life journey: she had her first dance. A Daisy Dance- more specifically a Daddy (or some other adult in the girls life) Beach Party Dance.
There was lots of anticipation regarding this event. Wardrobe choices. It was like a birthday or major holiday.
I took her shopping alone- which when you are the oldest of several children- is a big deal. Granted- I just took her to Old Navy, but she was thrilled. I let her pick out a dress. They had a small selection- mostly beach-y summer-y dresses perfect for the occasion.
As the day approached- Princess began asking repeatedly if it was time yet- how many days were left etc. over and over and over. We counted down the days one at a time with great anticipation.
On Friday- her excitement was palpable. She got ready. I helped her brush her hair, paint her nails, and yes even put on a little lip gloss.
So off she went and had a grand time.
This let me have a small glimpse into my future as the mother of a young lady. Who will- much to my terror- at some point date, go out without me... and go to dances. I am glad I have a long time to prepare for this. I'll need every second.
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