This week has been glorious weather wise- days like these are why I live here. The cold and snow and rain make me appreciate these kind of days that much more so I try not to take them for granted- especially so early in the season.
The weather has been mid 70's and sunny today it was in the 80's I believe and heavenly. We were outside essentially all day. Riding bikes, going to the park, playing in the dirt (yes they literally play in the dirt- and love every moment of it).
But last week it was still mitten and hat weather and today was dressing the girls in sun dresses and liberally applying sunscreen- it never ceases to amaze me. In a few months these warm days filled with sunshine will be common place- but now they are a treasure to be savored.
It is going to rain this weekend and get chilly again. I'll be sad to put away my shorts the sundresses for a bit more but it was great to get things moving.
Ohhh- speaking of bike riding. Princess can now ride a two wheeler. When did she get so big? It was a year ago (or two?? I don't remember) I was teaching her how to peddle in 10 degree weather now she is zipping around sans training wheels.
Yesterday, she asked me all nonchalantly if I could take of her training wheels and I figured that now was as good of a time as any- Pixie was sleeping.. Peas was worm hunting and Stinky was collecting I would have time to run her up and down the driveway helping her learn balance. How naive I was. It took me longer to get the wheels off than it did for her to learn to ride. I held the bike steady for her to get on and off she went--- no problems. In fact I got more injured in the bike riding lesson than she did I must have done something wrong.
Cross of another milestone this girl is going places.
here are a few pictures from our day:
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