Happy May Day!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

This month Princess turns 8.  I can't believe it 8! That is like a really big kid!

Its truly a pity she does not have any teeth (seriously- she has like 5 missing and another one wiggly). 

She is a really great kid though.  She is caring, she is compassionate, she has a silly sense of humor, she is sensitive. She is just all around pretty darn great.  I think I'll keep her- because I am pretty sure the return period has passed.


Atwood-Family of FIVE said...

I like how you said she's a "really big kid"....every single year on A's bday we say something to that affect-that *this* year she's a big kid now-and last year we just *thought* she was. She just turned 6 this week and I can say we thought the same thing again! Happy bday Princess!

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