Princess was a shoe girl. She loved her shoes. A few pairs she slept in she loved them so much. One pair she even bathed with (they were sandals so no worries!).
Peas is also a budding fashionista it seems. A few days ago I was out shopping and saw a pair of rain boots that were totally 'her'. They are zebra print- for my wild lady. If you know peas you know she is a party girl who has a definite wild side. So I impulsively picked them up for her. When I showed them to her. Peas did even bother asking me to undo the elastic tying them together before she donned them. Then she proceeded to wear them around the house for the rest of the day. I cornered her to cut the elastic lest she fall and break her neck. Somehow the importance of safety is lost on her.
But she approved of the boots. Enough to wear them to bed. You never know when a sudden downpour will occur do you??
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