Wow that is a comfy wrap

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Huge rave for Giselle at Slings I Love. I am one of those babywearing mama's who does not need motrin every 6 hours..mainly because the carriers I use are all so comfortable.

But this one takes the cake for wraps as far as I am concerned. Granted my wrap vocab and the number of them I have tried are pretty minimal. EllaRoo, Didymos, and Hopp but thanks to Giselle I have been introduced into the love that is Neobulle. The colorways are beautiful and the fabric is so supportive and so comfy. I may never use my EllaRoo again.

Peas loves it and I love it. Thanks Giselle and Slings I Love.

Yes I have more carriers than shoes.. they are this mamas version of fancy shoes or bags...
No none of my 'raves' are paid this mama doesn't roll (or wrap as the case maybe) that way. They are all just what I feel like. (someone asked if I was paid to review things..nope not here)


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