My dad is not a talker. When I was little I had a permanent spot on his lap and nightly tickle fights and later chess games or games of catch. He would do push ups every night and I would, when I was little sit on his back then run around the house to "catch his breath" for him. Since I grew up, that does not happen, and he still does not talk. But I know he loves me and loves my kids.
My dad is an amazing woodworker. He would not tell you so. But he is. He does it for fun and relaxation... regardless his pieces are amazing. Even more amazing because he made them.
Peas and Princess are proud owners of bunk beds that he hand made for them. Stinky also has a trundle bed that Papa handmade just for him. the kids also have dressers and a little table and chairs.
The items are not cheapy stuff. They are solid oak, and HEAVY. They are also made with love. My dad gives of himself this way to show his affection for me and my children. There is no way I can thank him enough. I wish I could. I wish I could somehow find the words to tell him how much I (we) appreciate it, and how much I love him.
My kids adore their Papa. He is superman to them the same way he was superman to me. I am so glad that they have this relationship with their Papa, and I hope that they will treasure the memories that they make with him as much as the furniture he makes them.
Anyway here are some pictures of the beds!